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Therapist to Therapist: Exploring the benefits of SGRT in novel application for RT treatment

Daniel Speir, RTT, Chief Therapist and William Burrell, RTT, Lead Radiation Therapist, both from the Willis Knighton Health, in Shreveport, Louisiana, describe their implementation of C-RAD Catalyst with the Elekta Versa HD linear accelerator.

Minimizing patient motion during treatment is paramount in delivering high-quality radiation therapy. While SGRT gained early adoption for specialized treatment techniques, such as DIBH and SRS, it is increasingly being used for a much wider range of indications – including some novel applications. They present the benefits of SGRT with C-RAD technology and highlight a recent case where Catalyst proved to be indispensable in completing the treatment: they will describe the use of C-RAD for patients undergoing low-dose radiation therapy for osteoarthritis as well.

The Q&A session starts at 29:50.

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