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The value of SGRT for everyday clinical practice

"SGRT is a valuable tool with the potential to increase treatment quality and patient safety in radiotherapy.”

“The role of surface-guided radiation therapy for improving patient safety.” Radiotherapy and Oncology, Volume 163, October 2021, Pages 229-236

SGRT Elevates Patient-Centered Care

SGRT is a tattoo-free alternative for patients who require radiation therapy. The technology uses advanced 3D camera technology to track and monitor patient movements during set-up and treatment.

Enhances Patient Comfort

With the elimination of tattoos and elaborate immobilization products, SGRT helps improve the overall treatment experience.1

Improves Patient Throughput

“…an investment worth consideration.”2

Drives Patient Safety

“SGRT could improve safety and treatment quality by preventing errors…as an independent system in the treatment room.”3

SGRT as Standard of Care

SGRT solutions enable applications ranging from tattoo-less patient setup to respiratory-correlated treatment techniques and SRS.

Is your RT Department Ready for SGRT?

The clinical implementation of SGRT requires a multidisciplinary team, including clinicians, medical physicists and radiation therapists (RTTs). Because the qualified medical physicist (QMP) is responsible for commissioning the system, they become the de facto teacher for other clinicians and the RTTs.

Do you currently have a process to evaluate intrafraction patient motion?

Consider what setups cause the most potential for movement or additional time for setup and how SGRT can help.

Would your patients be more at ease with contactless patient positioning options?

Do your patients ask you if there are options other than permanent tattoos? If SGRT is proven to be faster and more accurate, would your patients and therapists prefer not to have tattoos or worry about permanent skin markings?

Which of the following benefits of SGRT are you aware of?

  • Improve the safety of patient care
  • Increase the effectiveness of patient care
  • Increase the efficiency of patient care
  • Enhance patient experience
  • All of the above

Are you currently performing SGRT and/or SRS?

If not, are they on your clinical road map? If you are currently performing, would you like to streamline your clinical workflow with SGRT? Consider that SGRT provides higher accuracy, workflow automation to improve patient safety and improved hardware robustness.

Are you currently performing DIBH or other gated forms of treatment?

In contrast with most other gating systems, SGRT solutions monitor the respiratory motion without requiring any markers or fiducials to be placed on the patient. General patient motion is also monitored in parallel, thus ensuring maximum patient safety.

Would you like to perform less CBCT and KV imaging while ensuring patient positioning and motion monitoring?

If yes, do you know SGRT has minimal impact on your schedule and workflow?

Steps to Build SGRT into Your Practice

Workflow Integration and Interoperability

Compatible with simulation and delivery systems

Priority for proton and photon treatment machines

Training and Implementation

Scale up for training within specialized teams before expanding

Give staff time to adapt into clinical practice across techniques and irradiation sites

Clinical Adoption and Learning

Ongoing safe and efficient adoption

QA and checks for safe workflows

Growing Consensus for SGRT

SGRT is increasingly implemented into clinical practice across a number of techniques and irradiation sites.

How do C-RAD technologies work together for a total SGRT solution?


Accurately calculate the tumor position without requiring tattoos to ensure dose is delivered as prescribed and better protect organs at risk.


Complete end-to-end workflow from CT simulation to treatment delivery provides practical and clinically beneficial SGRT solutions.


Automated workflows with Linac and Proton delivery systems ensure accurate treatment delivery and additional safety assurances.

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  1. “Introduction of SGRT in clinical practice.” tipsRO, February 02, 2022, fulltext#relatedArticles
  2. “Oncology Clinical Technology Compendium.” Advisory Board, February 6, 2020, oncology clinical-technology-compendium
  3. “The role of surface-guided radiation therapy for improving patient safety.” Hania Al-Hallaq, Vania Batista, Malin Kügele, Eric Ford, Natalie Viscariello, and Juergen Meyer, Radiotherapy & Oncology, 2021 Oct 1, Vol 163: 229-236
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