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HIT3 Patient

Positioning laser

Automatic calibration with SmartPhantom under 10 minutes

Double diode red and green for each laser line provides redundancy and adaptation to each patient’s skin tone

Accuracy of 0.1mm thanks to SmartPhantom automatic calibration

CYRPA’s HIT precise patient positioning lasers allow a fast and accurate virtual simulation

The HIT 3 is compatible with all CT scanners and consists of:

3 mobile lasers (HIT): generate one sagittal vertical line and two lateral horizontal lines.

2 fixed lasers (HITM): that generate a vertical line on each side of the patient.

The HIT3 patient positioning laser system allows a fast and accurate visual simulation in radiotherapy with a laser line accuracy of +/- 0.1mm. It is compatible with all CT scanners.

With a touch of a button, the cross or the diode laser line may be red or green. The double diode allows to adapt the laser color to each patient’s skin tone and has the advantage of a built-in redundancy

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