Press release 2009-11-16
C-RAD AB with its three fully owned subsidiaries is all active in the field of radiation therapy. The company attended and exhibited at the annual oncology meeting ASTRO in Chicago , USA, 1-4 November. The C-RAD GEMini and Sentinel systems were presented to clinicians and physists from some of the most acknowledged centers in radiation therapy. Negotiations and meetings were accomplished with major vendors in the industry. The oncology meeting ASTRO in the US is annually the largest and most important event in radiation therapy. This year's meeting was running 1 to 4 November in Chicago, Il. , USA. the C-RAD Sentinel system was exhibited both by Acceletronics/Radiation Oncology Systems, the C-RAD distributor in the US and the radiation therapy company Elekta. The Sentinel system in the Elekta booth was presented as part of an integrated solution with the treatment couch called Hexapod Evo. The Elekta booth had a very attractive location at the entrance of the exhibition. The Hexapod/Sentinel set up was intensely visited. Important demonstrations to key accounts were made in the Acceletronics booth. Erik Hedlund, CEO, C-RAD AB: "The ASTRO show at the end of the year in the US is the most important oncology meeting in radiation therapy. Customers are making last decisions to invest but also plans for the coming year. Sentinel has been recognized as a key system for optical scanning. The GEMini detector with its image quality is getting increasing attention. The US market in 2009 has been slow. An important reason has been the uncertainty about future reimbursement rates for radiation therapy treatments. New rates have been fixed. In most cases the changes are minor. The market is expected to return back to normal.” For further information: Erik Hedlund, CEO C-RAD AB, Telephone: +46- 18 - 66 69 31, E-Mail: