Reminder: C-RAD Web Presentation Interim Report Q1 2021
Invitation to join the presentation of C-RAD’s first quarter 2021. CEO Tim Thurn will also give his Annual General Meeting speech at this event. The AGM is held on May 7 but without any presence from shareholders or other parties, as communicated previously in the call for the AGM.
Date: Thursday May 7, 2021 / kl. 11:00 CET
Venue: Online Presentation
Topic: C-RAD Interim Report Q1 2021 /AGM speech
Please register online through the website:
After the registration, you will receive a confirmation via email.
A recording of the presentation will be made accessible on the C-RAD website after the presentation.
About C-RAD
C-RAD develops surface-guided imaging solutions for radiation therapy to allow highly accurate dose delivery to the tumor, and at the same time, to protect healthy tissue from unwanted exposure. Using high-speed 3D cameras combined with augmented reality, C-RAD supports the initial patient setup process and monitors the patient’s motion during treatment to ensure high confidence, an efficient workflow, and improved accuracy. C-RAD monitors the patient's motion without the use of tattoos or additional imaging dose, to deliver the highest level of patient safety and comfort.
C-RAD. Inspiring excellence in cancer treatment.
C-RAD AB is listed on NASDAQ Stockholm.
For further information:
Tim Thurn, CEO C-RAD AB, Phone +46-18-666930, Email