C-RAD AB with its three fully owned subsidiaries develops new and innovative solutions for the use in advanced radiation therapy. The company attended and exhibited at the ESTRO annual meeting 14 to 17 September 2008. The meeting this year took place in Gothenburg, Sweden. The customers showed great interest for the Sentinel system with new functionality and the announcement of the GEMini detector system for use in radiation therapy. The annual oncology meeting in Europe, ESTRO is one of the major events within the radiation therapy industry. The meeting this year took place 14 to 17 September 2008 in Gothenburg The laser scanner system, SentinelTM, was demonstrated with full functionality for patient positioning and the newly released motion detection functionality. The combined positioning and motion detection functionality in place offers a streamlined workflow for the radiation therapy clinic. The motion detection functionality offers a new dimension of accuracy for intra fractional movements during treatment. Furthermore a first prototype for so called respiratory gating was demonstrated. A first version of the detector system GeminiTM for use in radiation therapy was demonstrated. The detector system with its unique technology and outstanding performance was presented to both representatives of all major companies working in radiation therapy and attendees of the conference. Erik Hedlund, CEO, C-RAD AB: " The great and increasing interest at ESTRO for the Sentinel and GEMini systems confirms the developments of the C-RAD group. Representatives of a number of well recognized radiation therapy clinics visited C-RAD during the show. Important meetings with key players in the industry took place. " For further information: Erik Hedlund, CEO C-RAD AB, Telefon 018 - 66 69 31, E-post erik.hedlund@c-rad.se