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Former employee appeals verdict from the Patent and Market court of appeal

The Patent and Market Court of Appeal issued a judgment on 30 June 2023 regarding a claim for compensation from a former employee for C-Rad's use of an invention. The Court found that the former employee is only entitled to compensation corresponding to 1/5 of the compensation originally claimed by the former employee. This judgment has now also been appealed by the former employee to the Supreme Court, which must first decide whether to grant leave to appeal.

The background is a lawsuit filed against C-RAD on 9 May 2020 by a former employee claiming compensation for an invention made during his employment at C-RAD. C-RAD strongly rejected the claim for compensation which was considered highly excessive. As previously announced, C-RAD has also appealed the judgement from the Patent and Market Court of Appeal to the Supreme Court.

This is the fourth in a series of disputes where the opposing party was either the same former employee or the company Beamocular AB (owned by the former employee and now in bankruptcy) of which he was the CEO. In all previous cases C-RAD has won.

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