Press release 2011-06-15
A cooperation agreement has been signed between C-RAD Positioning AB and Skåne University Hospital
C-RAD AB with its three fully owned subsidiaries are all active in the field of radiation therapy. The agreement with Skåne University Hospital (SUS), Sweden is based on validation and further development of the new C-RAD Catalyst system. Two Catalyst systems have by the hospital been ordered.
The Catalyst system is based on a next generation hardware and software platform for high performance optical surface scanning and augmented reality through re-projection. Advanced and highly optimized algorithms for non-rigid registration and deformable models enable the real-time assessment of patient positioning errors before and during treatment delivery. The system is calculating isocenter adjustments. Interfaces to major LINAC vendors ensure a completely integrated workflow. The unique product features are protected by international patent applications.
The first ordered Catalyst systems will beginning of July be installed at Skåne University Hospital in Malmö and integrated with a Varian linac and a Siemens CT. The cooperation will include both validation and development of clinical work flows of new functionalities based on the unique features of the systems for interactivity, real-time recording and deformable algorithms.
In parallel the interface to the Varian linac will in July be validated.
A separate research agreement has been signed with the Lund University to develop and implement a solution for respiratory gating at the Skåne University Hospital.
Erik Hedlund, CEO, C-RAD AB:
”We are deeply honored to have entered this agreement with Skåne University Hospital and to have received the first orders of the Catalyst systems. We see this as a first proof of a successful development based on new hardware and software platforms and many years of accumulated experiences working in advanced radiation therapy.
Skåne University Hospital is one of the few hospitals in Europe with experience in respiratory gating. Breast cancer patients have mainly been treated with this technique. "
Sven ÅJ Bäck, associate professor, medical physicist, Skåne University Hospital:
“The hospital has a great interest of clinical improvements in patient positioning and breathing adaption during radiation therapy. As a part of this development, the C-RAD Catalyst system offers new possibilities for on-line interaction in the treatment room. The real time feed-back between the patient outline, the nurse and the associated medical equipments will be important for an improved patient safety and clinical work-flow.”
For further information:
Erik Hedlund, CEO C-RAD AB, Phone 018 – 66 69 31, E-Mail