Press release 2010-02-25
C-RAD AB with its three wholly owned subsidiaries are all active in the field of radiation therapy. A number of companies have shown great interest for the GEMini ED system and have started evaluations of the image quality and its technical performance. C-RAD Gemini system is based on technology originally developed at CERN in Switzerland. Since then, the technology has been developed for use in medical applications by Professor Anders Brahme and his team at the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm. C-RAD holds three patents, which ensures the protection of the unique technology. The C-RAD GEMini detector has a number of unique features. Opposite to present products on the market GEMini can be used both to make images with conventional x-ray and by using the beam of the radiation therapy machine. Gemini ED is mainly intended for use with the beam of the therapy unit. The image quality has been approved by a first potential customer and as a result negotiations have started. This company also has an interest to use the system for IGRT or so called Image Guided Radiation Therapy. Evaluations with other companies will be started. Two other companies have an interest to use the C-RAD GEMini system for fluence measurements when treating patients. A letter of intent, was for this application, signed with IBA Dosimetry. Based on a requirement specification, a technical and commercial evaluation is running. Erik Hedlund, CEO, C-RAD AB: "In 1998 the development of the GEMini technology started at the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm. Since 2005 the group at C-RAD Imaging has been working hard to reach performances of the detector, required by clinics and companies working in radiation therapy. In 2010 C-RAD Imaging is expecting to make first deliveries of the GEMini detector. In addition diode detectors of 4.3 MSEK to IBA Dosimetry will be delivered.” For further information: Erik Hedlund, CEO C-RAD AB, Telefon 018 - 66 69 31, E-post