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C-RAD signed contract with Skandion Clinic

Press release 2015-09-18
C-RAD signed contract with Skandion Clinic

Press release 2015-09-18

C-RAD signed contract with Skandion Clinic


C-RAD signed a contract to equip Skandion Clinic in Uppsala, Sweden, with its surface tracking solution, following a successful a public tender. Both of the clinic’s treatment rooms will be equipped with a Catalyst system, and a CT room and the patient preparation room will be equipped with the C-RAD system.

The clinic decided to equip a total of four rooms with C-RAD surface tracking systems in the first phase. The tender also included an option for additional two systems as well as a multiple-year service contract. The clinic can call exercise these options until 2017.

Delivery and installation for all four rooms will be scheduled. It is expected that the entire system will be delivered to the Skandion Clinic during the fourth quarter of 2015.

C-RAD has released a specific version of its Catalyst System for use in proton and particle therapy. Software and hardware are tailored for the application in this particular environment. In April 2015, C-RAD released the Universal Beam Triggering interface (UBTI), a beam-control interface that allows respiratory gated treatments on IBA proton therapy machines. This was an important functionality required by the Skandion Clinic.

C-RAD’s Sentinel and Catalyst systems are characterized by a seamless integration with clinical environments. Interfaces to the treatment systems themselves and to existing radiation oncology information systems (ROIS) are essential to secure a smooth, secure and automated clinical workflow. As the Skandion Clinic is equipped with the MOSAIQ® ROIS, they considered this interface to be essential, and judged that the C-RAD solution could provide unique advantages.


The Skandion Clinic published its first tender in mid-2014. When it was decided in C-RAD’s favor, the decision was appealed by Uppsala-based Radiotherapy Equipment Scandinavia (Radeq), which distributes a competitive product. The tender was then relaunched and decided in C-RAD’s favor for the second time. The same competitor again filed an appeal, but withdrew it earlier this month.


“The overall developments within radiation therapy are all pointing in a direction where high precision is playing a key role. This development is creating an increasingly high demand for advanced positioning systems – such as the C-RAD systems,” says Tim Thurn, CEO of C-RAD. “We are very much looking forward to see this important site in clinical operation using C-RAD equipment. This will be our first installation in the rapidly developing proton and particle therapy market. The setup will help us to demonstrate our capabilities to other sites and potential customers worldwide.”




About C-RAD

C-RAD develops innovative solutions for use in advanced radiation therapy. The C-RAD group offers products and solutions for patient positioning, tumor localization and radiation treatment systems. End users are radiation therapy clinics worldwide. All product development is conducted in three fully owned subsidiaries: C-RAD Positioning AB, C-RAD Imaging AB and C-RAD Innovation AB, all of which are located in Uppsala, Sweden. Employees currently number 39. C-RAD’s business originates from research and development at Karolinska Institutet in Solna, Sweden. Sales of the company’s first product, the C-RAD SentinelTM, started in 2007. Cooperation agreements have been signed with Elekta (Sweden), Varian (USA) and IBA (Belgium). C-RAD is represented by distributors specialized in radiation therapy on major markets. C-RAD has established three companies for direct sales: C-RAD Inc. in the US, C-RAD GmbH in Germany and C-RAD WOFE in China. Cyrpa International SPRL, a Franco-Belgian laser company, is a wholly owned subsidiary whose operations are being integrated. C-RAD AB is listed on NASDAQ Stockholm.

For more information on C-RAD, please visit


For further information:

Tim Thurn, CEO C-RAD AB, Phone +46-18-666930, Email

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