C-RAD has started its cooperation with ten leading radiation therapy centers in
North America, Europe and Asia.
Press release 2014-12-1
C-RAD has started its cooperation with ten leading radiation therapy centers in North America, Europe and Asia.
The objective of the Research Fellow Program is to conduct research on existing C-RAD technology, and also to strengthen close partnerships with key opinion leaders at radiation therapy centers for future product developments.
The program provides a platform for the participating researchers to exchange ideas and research progress within their respective fields. C-RAD will host regular symposia for the members at relevant international conferences. Program membership is typically for a limited time, with the possibility for an extension if the researcher’s project has product-development potential. The member sites are mainly at university hospitals, but they also are found at other treatment centers with a strong research capacity.
“The program was first presented to our European customers during the ESTRO conference for the first time in the spring of 2014,” says Tim Thurn, CEO of C-RAD. “The huge success encouraged us to expand this concept to a global program. The Research Fellow Program enjoys high internal attention and is managed directly by our R&D Manager. I am convinced that this program allows us to further strengthen our position as the market-leading provider for optical patient positioning systems.”
About C-RAD
C-RAD develops innovative solutions for use in advanced radiation therapy. The C-RAD group offers products and solutions for patient positioning, tumor localization and radiation treatment systems. End users are radiation therapy clinics worldwide. All product development is conducted in three fully owned subsidiaries: C-RAD Positioning AB, C-RAD Imaging AB and C-RAD Innovation AB, all of which are located in Uppsala, Sweden. Employees currently number 28. C-RAD’s business originates from research and development at Karolinska Institutet in Solna, Sweden. Sales of the company’s first product, the C-RAD SentinelTM, started in 2007. Cooperation agreements have been signed with Elekta (Sweden), Varian (USA) and IBA (Belgium). C-RAD is represented by distributors specialized in radiation therapy on major markets. C-RAD has established three companies for direct sales: C-RAD Inc. in the US, C-RAD GmbH in Germany and C-RAD WOFE in China. C-RAD holds 29% of the laser company Cyrpa with an option to acquire the remaining 71%. C-RAD AB is listed – since March 2010 – on NASDAQ OMX First North Premier. Erik Penser Bankaktiebolag is appointed as C‑RAD’s Certified Adviser.
For more information on C-RAD, please visit www.c-rad.com.
For further information:
Tim Thurn, CEO C-RAD AB, Phone +46-18-666947, Email investors@c-rad.com
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