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C-RAD AB: Successful evaluation of GEMini™ ED design improvements

Press release 2013-03-20

Press release 2013-03-20

Successful evaluation of GEMini™ ED design improvements

C-RAD AB with its three fully owned subsidiaries in Sweden and three international sales companies are all active in the field of radiation therapy. As a result of the ongoing collaboration with the Paracelsus Medical University in Salzburg, Austria, several design improvements have over the past few months been successfully implemented in the company’s GEMini™ ED detector system.

The GEMini™ ED is an advanced flat panel detector based on the Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) technology licensed from CERN, Switzerland. Its many unique features such as dose linearity, dose rate independence and greatly improved radiation hardness makes it the only detector on the market that is fully optimized both for portal imaging and portal dosimetry applications.

Based on feedback from the ongoing collaboration project with the radART department of the Paracelcus Medical University in Salzburg, Austria, a number of design changes were recently introduced. Tests have now confirmed that these changes are effective in providing further improvements to the image quality and dosimetric performance of the GEMini ED detector panel. As the next step, new clinical images will be acquired in collaboration with the radART team.


Erik Hedlund, CEO, C-RAD AB:

”The collaboration with the radART team in Salzburg was initiated early 2011. It has so far provided us with invaluable input in the form of unbiased judgment on the clinical performance of the GEMini detector as well as suggestions for new developments. The recent improvements will further strengthen the key selling points of the GEMini ED detector system.”


For further information:

Erik Hedlund, CEO C-RAD AB, Phone +46-18-666931, E-mail


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